It's always better when we're together.

There are many ways you can connect with the open-source Nx community. Below, you’ll find details about various connection points.

GitHub & Slack

At the Nx GitHub repo, you can file issues or contribute code back to the project.

Join the Nx Community Slack to meet a friendly community of Nx users. This is a perfect place to ask clarifying questions or to talk through new ideas that you want to try with Nx. There's also a channel dedicated to sharing articles about Nx and most of the authors of community plugins can be reached there.

Livestreams & Twitter

The Nx Show takes place every second and fourth Monday, from 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST on the Nrwl YouTube channel. Info about upcoming sessions is shared on the @NxDevTools Twitter account and the Nrwl+Nx Newsletter. You can find past live-streams on the 'Nx Show' Youtube Playlist.

In each session, members of the Nx core team answer your questions, help get you up and running with Nx, and address particular challenges. If you have a question or topic you’d like to see covered during The Nx Show, you can submit them here

For the latest news about Nx, follow @NxDevTools on Twitter.

We also have a newsletter

You can also subscribe to the Nx Newsletter: a monthly email digest from the Nx core team at Nrwl. Subscribers receive news about Nx releases, posts about new Nx features, details about new plugins, links to community resources, and additional Nx content.

community illustration

Community plugin

Core Nx plugins are created and maintained by the Nx team at Nrwl and you can see all the available plugins when you run the nx list command in your workspace.

The community plugins listed below are created and maintained by members of the Nx community, will allow you to use the full power of the workspace while using different technologies!

How to Install

Each of the plugins listed below have a yarn and an npm icon. Clicking on either of these copies the relevant command to install the dependency for your project.

How to Create Your Own

Get started with building your own plugin!

Ready to dive in?Start using Nx today.

Community Plugins Directory

GitHub nx-plugins

Nx plugin integrations with ESBuild / Vite / Snowpack / Prisma, with derived ESBuild / Snowpack / ... plugins.

GitHub @codebrew/nx-aws-cdk

An Nx plugin for aws cdk develop.

GitHub @rxap/plugin-localazy

An Nx plugin for upload and download tasks.

GitHub nx-electron

An Nx plugin for developing Electron applications

GitHub nx-stylelint

Nx plugin to use stylelint in a nx workspace

GitHub @nxtend/ionic-react

An Nx plugin for developing Ionic React applications and libraries

GitHub @nxtend/ionic-angular

An Nx plugin for developing Ionic Angular applications and libraries

GitHub @nxtend/capacitor

An Nx plugin for developing cross-platform applications using Capacitor

GitHub @nxtend/firebase

An Nx plugin for developing applications using Firebase

GitHub @angular-architects/ddd

Nx plugin for structuring a monorepo with domains and layers

GitHub @offeringsolutions/nx-karma-to-jest

Nx plugin for replacing karma with jest in an Nx workspace

GitHub @flowaccount/nx-serverless

Nx plugin for node/angular-universal schematics and deployment builders in an Nx workspace

GitHub @ns3/nx-serverless

Nx plugin for node serverless applications in an Nx workspace

GitHub @ns3/nx-jest-playwright

Nx plugin to run jest-playwright e2e tests in an Nx workspace

GitHub @dev-thought/nx-deploy-it

Nx plugin to deploy applications on your favorite cloud provider

GitHub @offeringsolutions/nx-protractor-to-cypress

Nx plugin to replace protractor with cypress in an nx workspace

GitHub @nx-tools/nx-docker

Nx plugin to build docker images of your affected apps

GitHub @angular-custom-builders/lite-serve

Nx plugin to run the e2e test on an existing dist folder

GitHub @nx-plus/nuxt

Nx plugin adding first class support for Nuxt in your Nx workspace.

GitHub @nx-plus/vue

Nx plugin adding first class support for Vue in your Nx workspace.

GitHub @nx-plus/docusaurus

Nx plugin adding first class support for Docusaurus in your Nx workspace.

GitHub @twittwer/compodoc

Nx Plugin to integrate the generation of documentation with Compodoc in the Nx workflow

GitHub @nxext/svelte

Nx plugin to use Svelte within nx workspaces

GitHub @nxext/stencil

Nx plugin to use StencilJs within nx workspaces

GitHub @nxext/vite

Nx plugin to use ViteJS within nx workspaces

GitHub @nxext/solid

Nx plugin to use SolidJS within nx workspaces

GitHub @joelcode/gcp-function

Nx plugin to generate, test, lint, build, serve, & deploy Google Cloud Function

GitHub @nx-go/nx-go

Nx plugin to use Go in a Nx workspace

GitHub @angular-architects/module-federation

Nx plugin to use webpack module federation

GitHub @nxrocks/nx-spring-boot

Nx plugin to generate, run, package, build (and more) Spring Boot projects inside your Nx workspace

GitHub @trumbitta/nx-plugin-openapi

OpenAPI Plugin for Nx. Keep your API spec files in libs, and auto-generate sources.

GitHub @trumbitta/nx-plugin-unused-deps

Check the dependency graph of your monorepo, looking for unused NPM packages.

GitHub @nxrocks/nx-flutter

Nx Plugin adding first class support for Flutter in your Nx workspace

GitHub @srleecode/domain

Nx Plugin for allowing operations to occur at the domain level instead of the default library level

GitHub @jscutlery/semver

Nx plugin to automate semantic versioning and CHANGELOG generation.

GitHub ngx-deploy-npm

Publish your libraries to NPM with just one command.

GitHub @trafilea/nx-shopify

Nx plugin for developing performance-first Shopify themes

GitHub nx-dotnet

Nx plugin for developing and housing .NET projects within an Nx workspace.

GitHub @nxrocks/nx-quarkus

Nx plugin to generate, run, package, build (and more) Quarkus projects inside your Nx workspace

GitHub @nx-extend/gcp-secrets

Nx plugin to generate and securely deploy your Google Cloud Secrets

GitHub @nx-extend/gcp-storage

Nx plugin to upload to Google Cloud Storage

GitHub @nx-extend/gcp-functions

Nx plugin to generate, run, build and deploy your Google Cloud Functions

GitHub @nx-extend/gcp-deployment-manager

Nx plugin to deploy your Google Cloud Deployments

GitHub @nx-extend/gcp-cloud-run

Nx plugin to build and deploy your docker container to Google Cloud Run

GitHub @nx-extend/translations

Nx plugin to extract, pull, push and translate your apps translations

GitHub @nativescript/nx

Nx Plugin adding first class support for NativeScript in your Nx workspace

GitHub @nx-clean/plugin-core

Nx Plugin to generate projects following Clean Architecture practices

GitHub @jnxplus/nx-boot-gradle

Nx plugin to add Spring Boot and Gradle multi-project builds support to Nx workspace

GitHub @jnxplus/nx-boot-maven

Nx plugin to add Spring Boot and Maven multi-module project support to Nx workspace

GitHub @nxtensions/astro

Nx plugin adding first class support for Astro (

GitHub @nxrs/cargo

Nx plugin adding first-class support for Rust applications and libraries.